My Classes

My classes are suitable for everyone, from complete beginners to those with experience but enjoy the environment of sharing ideas and being with others who enjoy being creative with fabric and furniture.

All classes have a maximum of ten people and are based around you as an individual so that you get what you want out of the class. Be it a complete re-upholstery project or learning how to make cushions,

All tools and equipment that you will need are available to use, along with underlying upholstery materials and soft furnishings supplied which can be purchased on the day.

I hold two types of class, day classes which are stand alone days and blocks of ten shorter classes.

Day Classes

My day classes start at 9am and finish at 4pm with breaks for morning coffee and lunch. Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided but everyone brings their own packed lunch.

Three classes are held each month.

Term Classes

My blocks of ten are for two and a half hours each week with a half term break. These are held three times a year.


Day Classes £60/day

Term Classes £225/term

All classes to be paid for in advance.

All Venues

  • Friendly and encouraging environment
  • Suitable for all abilities
  • Tools and equipment provided
  • Based around you
  • Health and Safety of everyone is paramount